
The authors of accepted Papers will be asked to submit the Camera Ready version of their paper including and all source files (PDF and original source file MsWord, LaTeX) necessary to produce the final version and a signed consent to publish and copyright transfer form (License to Publish_Proceedings). Pdf-files prepared from scanned documents will not be accepted.

Each Paper will be peer reviewed by members of the 1st World Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Science (W-CHESS) Scientific Committee ensuring the publication of top quality contributions. After this reviewing stage the authors may be required to modify / amend their Paper according to the Reviewers recommendations and make the submission of the final Paper.

Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word or LaTeX, according to the guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF. The authors are encouraged to use the Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates as provided by CRC Press / Balkema.

All papers will have a maximum length of 8 pages. Please note that this is a hard limit and will be used in all submitted papers.

It is important for the authors to ensure that the paper is submitted in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. Finally, please note that the publisher will reduce your paper to 75%. For this reason, please check if your figures will be legible after reduction. Final abstracts will be published in a printed edition.

Publishing Policy

  1. Double-Blind Review will be used for reviewing the papers
  2. The maximum acceptable Similarity Score is 20%
  3. All authors whose papers are selected to be published in Journals or Publishers must upload their “Consent to Publish Letter” available via the website and ensure that their papers meet the standard format paper imposed by the targeted Journals or Publishers.


All papers will be checked using TurnItIn and Plagiarism Detector.