Call For Papers

You are invited to attend and participate virtually in the 1st World Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Science (W-CHESS) which will take place on December 2–3, 2023 according to the Central Indonesian Time (zone).

We believe virtual conference as a synchronous online activity encompasses a great way to connect scholars, professionals, and leaders around the world while reducing expenses, travel time, and environmental impacts. The aim of the conference is to offer opportunities to share ideas, to discuss theoretical and practical issues. Zoom platform will be used for the virtual presentations.

Virtual presenter and participant will receive certificates. All accepted papers are provided in the form of book of abstracts. Papers’ titles and name of presenters will appear in in program like face-to-face conferences. Presenters and participants will receive all conference documents.

Please register and submit your full paper. The paper will be reviewed by the assigned committee. If your paper is accepted for presentation, then you may upload your revised version according to reviewer comments for publication in the proceedings. The full paper template is available in the Paper Guidelines menu.

The W-CHESS invites submissions which address the theory, research, applications, or concepts in all disciplines of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences.

The W-CHESS is organized for:

  • Researchers.
  • Faculty members in all disciplines of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
  • Graduate students
  • Teachers
  • All interested in Humanities, Education and Social Sciences  

After peer-reviewing process, all full papers will be published in the proceedings.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Haedar Akib, M.Si.

W-CHESS Organizing Committee